Florist Singapore- Bloom with Care

Flowers are the most important parts of every special occasion from birthdays till the funeral. The floral business is growing in the world at a pace of 6-10% per annum still, India’s share is just negligible in the floral market, just around (0.70%). Tamil Nadu leads in the cultivation of flowers accounting for 75% of India’s total flowers production

Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of God. The beauty of these little flowers is not only admired in nature but also viewed as a token of love and a word for expressing one’s emotion. At times flowers convey many unspoken words that cannot actually be expressed.They are varieties of flowers of various ranges all around the world. But do you know how and where are these flowers used? Why is flower cultivation important in India?  What are the unseen difficulties that a florist face in his life? How did covid19 affect the florist?

The flower delivery Singapore is actually seasonal, there is no one who prefers to buy a flower regularly. Flowers are usually purchased on specific occasions. These occasions highly influence the floral Market.

florist singapore

Importance of flower cultivation:

  • Many Flower plants are grown for the export market as well which provides high returns than any other market.
  • Depending upon seasons the price of a single spike changes within the domestic market as well as the international market. For example, A single spike of rose is sold for Rs:3-5 in Kharif season and the same rose is sold for Rs:5-10 in the summer season.
  • Some flowers extract essential oils and natural colors.
  • To a Hindu, flowers are much significant in religious offerings. It is said that more than 40% of total India’s production is used in Kolkata city for worshipping purpose

Due to covid, the florist Singapore was impacted significantly.

There were no direct domestic cargo flights which indeed lead to double shipment with higher cost with more scope of spoilage. Many countries stopped the trade-in flowers due to covid, this has also hit a change in consumers’ behavior. Flowers play an essential role in our lives. They fulfill the responsible for bringing happiness to our lives and makes our surrounding a better place to live in. So as our responsibility, we should also plant flowers at homes and in our surroundings to signify the beauty of the place and bring joy and happiness to everyone passing by.

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